Safety Wear Producer Company in Turkey: Cation Workwear
It is very important for your workers to be safe when they are in their work environment undoubtedly. For your workers to be safe, you had better put them in clothes that will make them feel and be safe. That is why safety wear production in Turkey is extremely important for us. We produce clothing that your workers will safe in and actually be safe as well. Safety wear production in Turkey is an ever growing business that blooms every passing year. As more companies are out there and growing, they care more about their workers’ safety.

Safety wear is a mandatory practice for every company. If you are looking for a company that does safety wear production in Turkey, Cation Workwear is right for you. Especially the companies whose workers are exposed to harmful and dangerous activities must pay attention to workwear. Construction and engineering are some of those companies who must pay attention to workwear. According to the safety regulations by law, all workers must be wearing the appropriate work attire when at work. Having a company that does good quality safety wear production in Turkey may just be what you need. You can trust our products and have your workers wear our safety wear without any further doubts as they are all made up of high quality and nice materials.
Why Us?
Our experience as Cation Workwear & Uniforms will provide all the positive benefits of using uniforms if you choose us as your preferred uniform producer. Our experience is one of the many reasons why so many leading brands in Turkey chose to work with us. We take pride in being preferred by Mercedes-Benz, Tüvtürk, Enerjisa, Betonsa, Aksa Doğalgaz, Doğuş Otomotiv and more. You can choose us too, by contacting us.
Contact Us
We as Cation Workwear & Uniforms are providing best quality workwear and uniform product to Turkey’s leading companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Tüvtürk, Enerjisa, Betonsa, Aksa Doğalgaz, Doğuş Otomotiv. You can get in touch with us with our contact page, or send us an e-mail at or call us on +90 212 554 83 31.